Yesterday, I received a LinkedIn message from a contact wanting to know how she can leverage LinkedIn to find a new job/ advance her career.  However, there was one catch- she didn’t want her boss to know.  Here are four tips that I provided!


  1. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile showcases you- include everything that you want your potential employer to know about you.  Fill out your work history only with those positions that will add value.  In other words, if you are like me, you can skip your first job at Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Include non-profit volunteerism as job posts under “Experience”- identifying yourself as a volunteer.  Include your education history, awards, etc.  However, do not include graduation years.
  2. Brainstorm all of the words someone may use to find someone with your skill set.  What would a head hunter enter in the search box to find you?  For instance, few people will look up “marketing strategist” so I have included “marketing consultant” in my list of words.  Once you create that list, ensure that those words appear somewhere in your profile.
  3. Include any apps that will add value. You may want to link to your blog (if it is industry related) and upload any documents that make you look good (honors, letters of appreciation, etc.) via the app.
  4. Use advanced search functions to identify the 4-5 different companies that you are interested in working for and find their hiring manager/hr director/etc. When you look at their profile, you will see if you have any connections in common. If so, ask those connections for an introduction via STANDARD email. Then, set up a lunch appointment with the new contact. OR, if you do not know anyone in common, send them a friend request and ask tell them that you are interested in exploring employment options with them. You may have to enter their email address to send a friend request. If so, and it is not viewable on their LinkedIn profile, Google “first name last name *” to find their email address online.  Be sure to include the person’s first and last name as well as the website of the business that they work for.

Now, go kick butt!

3 Responses

  1. Great information for me and I will definitly pass on to those I know looking for new employment. I appreciate that you share all your resouces with the world. Thanks

  2. Great information for me and I will definitly pass on to those I know looking for new employment. I appreciate that you share all your resouces with the world. Thanks