If you are a speaker, entertainer or just someone who connects with people on the go, this post will help you grow your following using simple mobile technology. Did you know that someone can “like” your Facebook Page or follow you on Twitter via a simple text message? Imagine being on the state and asking everyone to take out their phones and in a matter of seconds, gaining hundreds of new fans and followers? Interested? Here’s how you do it.
How to get likes (fans) on Your Business Facebook Page:
Ask your audience/contact to send a text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words “like yourpageusername” (without
the quotes).
How to get Twitter Followers:
Ask your new contacts to send a text message to 40404 with the words “follow yourusername” (without the quotes).
This only works for users who have already entered their mobile numbers in each network.