Happy New Year! For most of us, the New Year is a time for goal setting and making at least one New Year’s resolution. However, most people will never achieve these goals. In fact, by February, the vast majority of people have given up on or completely forgotten their New Year’s resolutions altogether.
One of the best ways to stay focused on your goals is to create a vision board. A vision board is simply a collage of your goals. I create at least one annually.
What you need to create a New Year’s vision board:
- Poster board
- Glue stick (or other adhesive)
- Scissors
- Marker(s)
- Pictures and words from your favorite magazines that represent your goals
- Pictures of yourself, family and friends
- Pictures printed from your computer of places you want to go, people you want to meet, etc.
- Fun decorative items like stickers, glitter, ribbon or borders
The following are 8 tips for creating a knock-out vision board that will help you achieve your goals for the New Year:
- Cut pictures from your favorite magazines, newspapers and printed from the Internet that mean something to you (emotional triggers)
- Put pictures of yourself/family/friends/staff achieving goals. For instance, if you want to go on a safari and have included a picture of a jeep on safari on your board, paste yourself in the driver’s seat of that jeep!
- Remember to include images that represent your spiritual, health, relationship, business and entertainment goals.
- Partner up! If you are married, create a single vision board with your spouse!
- If you have advisors or mentors, don’t forget to put them on your board.
- Focus on creating your board from the perspective of already achieving goals versus from a place of “wanting” to achieve goals. If you focus on achieving rather than achieved, you will keep attracting the need to achieve.
- Hang your board somewhere where you will see it daily. Examples of excellent places would be in your bedroom, in your closet or in your private office. Do not hang your vision board anywhere where you will be required to explain or defend your goals.
- Leave a little space so that you can add more images and words as needed throughout the year; building on your vision!
My husband and I created a vision board together in 2010 for the first time as a couple. We both had a really good time co-creating a visual of who we wanted to be and how we wanted to live in 2010. We achieved about 80% of our goals in business, health, travel, relationships,etc. I also learned a valuable lesson about looking at one’s board literally before deciding placement because the universe definitely has a sense of humor. On our 2010 vision board, we wanted to take a trip to New York. The problem- we pasted a picture of a airplane OVER New York City. As a result, we had several connections in New York and flew over it numerous times, without having an opportunity to visit.
Another example of a literal materialization of our vision board goals would include our posting the word “power couple” over our picture. We had never used the term to refer to ourselves and had never heard anyone else use the term to describe us before.

Now, note comments left on my Facebook page after my husband and I did an interview on 90.1 KPFT.
We also received several voice mails and emails referring to us as a power couple. I could go on and on about how the items on the board came to fruition, including my trip to Ghana (check the bottom left of the board), but I’ll let you discover the magic for yourself!
I really like this idea especially from a couple standpoint. i am very interested in giving it a try.
Hi Barbara! You should try it. Last year was the first time we did one together and- WOW- it was powerful!
Cool! I’m planning a vision board workshop for my women’s group right now. I’m going to send them a link to this page so they can get mentally prepared and have an idea of what to bring. Thanks for the tips!
Awesome! I hope the posts helps the ladies in your group Nakia! Are there any vision board tips you would like to add?
Well, I am going to ask the ladies to divide the board into sections to assist with visualizing short and long term goals. Since accountability is a major tool when goal setting, we will have a follow-up vision board meeting about the same time next year to re-evaluate, re-access, and celebrate our visions.
I am super excited and already visualizing my vision board and I can’t wait for life to imitate art!!
I love your emphasizing accountability Nakia!