How to Measure Marketing Effectiveness of Social Media- Part I Facebook

At this point, most business owners recognize the value of social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. However, very few small business owners understand the importance of making social media measurable.
Marketing Secrets on CNN
I recently appeared on CNN’s Houston-based radio station to talk about little-known marketing secrets. Host of HNN’s (Houston Networking News) Business, Networking and You, R.D. Yoder asked me several questions regarding both marketing and networking. Are you taking full advantage of marketing opportunities? Oftentimes, business owners have misconceptions about what it really means to market […]
Twitter Marketing- Help Is On The Way!

Twitter is one of those things that people either totally get or totally do not get. To understand how best to use Twitter, it is necessary to understand what twitter is. Twitter is a micro-blogging platform. In other words, it is an opportunity to blog in 140 characters or less at a time. Why is […]
Invisible Marketing- 5 Ways To Spread The Word
Simple question: How can people find your business? Are you in the Yellow Pages? Do you have a website? Do you take out ad space in magazines or leave flyers in local businesses? Many small businesses are so consumed with the business of “staying afloat” that they neglect the thing that will help them do […]
Top 5 Ways To Lose Clients On Social Networks- Unmarketing
Social networks are amazing tools for growing one’s business. However, it is possible to do more harm that good on networks like Facebook, Linkedin or even Twitter. Here are the top five ways to actually lose clients on social networks: