Immediately Increase Your Efficiency and Effectiveness with Three Actions

Why your current way of working is costing you time and results and how to fix it. I was a budding entrepreneur who had just quit her full-time job and was working hard to build a solid consulting practice. The entire weekend was spent cleaning my home from top to bottom in an effort to […]

Why Mobile Technology Is Hurting Your Creativity and Career

How a techation may provide you with the creative career boost you need. The exponential growth of technology paired with new devices and applications permeating our everyday lives has increased professionals’ ability to be efficient. Phone GPS, banking apps and access to a buffet of online services should, in theory, amplify our effectiveness, contributing to […]

The Underappreciated Art Of No in Business

How to set respectful professional boundaries to avoid burnout. In a rebounding economy, where many professionals and business owners are still trying to find their footing, it may be tempting to simply be grateful for opportunities and refrain from doing anything that might make you look like anything less than a team player. However, if […]

Four Simple Tactics For Social Media Success

Practical tips for making social media manageable and effective. With the overwhelming number of social media platforms available, many professionals find themselves feeling either left behind or inundated. Social media, when used for business, should be practical. If a network is not making you more efficient, effective, and connected, then you should discontinue its use. Below […]

Build Your Brand By Building Your Team

How to create your own personal brand dream team and accelerate your professional growth. Whether you’re a business professional or a business owner, having a solid team is imperative to building a strong brand. If there is one thing I would go back and tell my younger self, it is that constructing  a solid team accelerates […]

Give Kick-Butt Public Talks—Even If You’re Terrified

Simple tips for getting past fear, connecting with your audience, and having fun while you’re doing it. Whether you are a salesperson, aspiring public speaker, or college student, chances are you will have to speak in front of a group. Are you afraid of speaking in front of people? If so, you’re not alone. In […]

Why Every Professional Should Have a Personal Marketing Plan

Successful business owners leverage marketing plans to gain clarity on market conditions, their brand positioning, and to create sound marketing strategy. The end results of a solid marketing plan are clear-cut goals with date-specific action items. As we observe the shrinking U.S.workforce and greater job competition, savvy career professionals should invest time in creating personal […]

On Social Media, You Are the Company You Keep

Are you wondering how to best balance personal and professional business connections on social media? If your personal connections are in stark contrast to your personal brand for business, the answer may be that you cannot. According to, over 65 percent of employers check social media profiles as part of the job screening process. While […]

How To Negotiate For What You Want

How do you get what you want while leaving the other party feeling like a winner too? Negotiating, when done correctly, creates strong win-win situations for both parties. Unfortunately, most ambitious professionals are stuck somewhere between emulating the stereotypical Hollywood idea of a hardball business tycoon and flashbacks to childhood memories of being told to […]

5 Simple Tips for Creating Boundaries on Social Media

With more than 73% of online adults using social media, the opportunity for users to connect with personal and business contacts is at an all-time high. Facebook is a great resource for staying connected with family and reconnecting with old friends. Sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook offer strategic opportunities to build relationships with hiring […]