The Problem with Bait & Switch

I’m seated on my flight, on my way to Los Angeles at 6:00 AM. I’m sleepy, cramped and really hungry. Shortly after takeoff, a flight attendant approaches asking if I would like to purchase something to eat.

Social Media Lacks Sustainability

As someone who studies Zen Meditation techniques, I appreciate silence and down time. I love the fact that disconnecting from technology helps me connect more spiritually with my fellow humans.

Three Tips for Creating More Engaging Email Newsletters

Nearly all small businesses use newsletters from services like Constant Contact to send emails to their customers/followers/supporters.  However, not all newsletters are created equal.  Here are three things that you can do to make your emails more engaging. Use HTML vs. Boring Templates. While newsletter templates were once the only option available to the masses […]

5 Reasons Why No One is Friending/Following You on Social Media

Over the past few years, I’ve heard it all when it comes to excuses why professionals are not using social media.  One of the biggest frustrations is that not enough people interact with them on popular social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.  While I understand their feelings, I also understand that the issue is […]

Bye-Bye PowerPoint! Why I ♥ (Love) Prezi!

My seemingly happy love affair with PowerPoint was destroyed when I discovered Prezi- the latest development in presentation software. Prezi allows users to set up presentations closer to the way in which people think- based on perspective. Prezi offers zooming and tilting abilities.